Monday, February 15, 2010

Still Trying

I am not good at this!!! Blogging is for bloggers!! I am not one yet!! So every 3 weeks, late at night when I should be sleeping , I will post something for my 2 followers to read. I am getting a crash course in posting pictures and actually learning how to log onto my blogspot to "post something."This is what happens when you live in a home full of " techy type people." You are "pressured into" creating these venues!! Is it just me or are we in Feb.? What happened to January!? Home Schooling and Classical Conversations as well as running a family home school bookstore keep me running "with my hair on fire!" ( as my little friend Kara has drawn to demonstrate my everyday state of being!!"
I am the one in the white suburban flying down the highway with my hair on fire while my younger daughters are slurping down coke icees!!! My friend Robyn and I agree that coke icees are truly a comfort food and when consuming them, all is well with the world!!
Robyn is in the other vehicle (a term only used by military spouses and their husbands!) while talking to me from Omaha as we catch up briefly on our lives!!! Now, I know what you are thinking, we should not be talking while driving, and I agree!! I am trying to curb that habit!!!

I took this photo while visiting the Biltmore Estate!! Love this look!

This is not a current picture of myself, but wanted you to feel the whole"hair on fire" concept
while driving!!

The "beginnings" of the Pilgrim's Journey Home School Book Store!!
July 25th, 2009!!
Gillis Hill Farm!


Trails of Grace said...

Your doing great Kelly! Thanks for thinking of your readers and posting for us! I hope you close the gap a little on the next post. LOL

Kara said...

This is so funny! =]Coke icees are such a comfort!!!

Trails of Grace said...

Kara I love your artwork here!